Tuesday, 26 April 2011

excuse me, your cool Britannia's showing....

The Bank Holiday weekend isn't over yet for us, this being Taede's rota day off, but the boys are back to school!

We had a fab weekend, Friday the boys went to Deep Sea World with their Dad and I had work at night.  Saturday was a Dad day for the boys again, with him doing childminding duties while I slept.  An early sleep was essential as I was doing a backshift on Saturday night. I was allowed to go home early though, as I'd done something to the middle fingers of my right hand, and the pain is now excrutiating ... :(

Sunday was a big tournament for the rugby up at Strathendrick in Fintry. I wore a summer dress as it was sunny here, but it was dull and breezy up there! Not unpleasant though and what a day was laid on. Tombola, bouncy castle slide, hot food, and plenty rugby.  Sadly our p6's were laid low after a promising start.  And in the final pool play off Ewan was felled by a big lad from Hillfoots and had to be attended by first aider and helped off the pitch.  Never seen him in so much pain or so upset - he was gutted he was going to miss the last half of the last game. We carried him to the car after he got his medal and headed back to Granny and Granpa's for Easter dinner...

Which was lovely!

Yesterday, the boys were both expecting some mates to come over, but this didn't materialise, which given Ewan's stiffness of knee probably was a good thing. Not that he saw it as that.  I had a jewellery repair to carry out and Sigrid popped over for a wee sesh on how to upload and link to photos ...

Some tea and scones later and the pics are all up but I'm so not used to the magical workings of iE ...

Today I think I shall be waiting around in A&E to see if my finger really is broken ... oy vey

I'm off this coming weekend so I shall be making the most of having a house full for the Royal Wedding and the snarking should be good.  I am horrified at the amount of crap that is being punted, even by what I would class as a reputable business, with the union flag on it.  And the exorbitant price of this bandwagon claptrap ... I'm annoyed, because in the midst of all this rubbish, lie beautiful gems, lost and swamped by the tide of tat! If you must display your britishness and want to wave your flag, please buy responsibly. Or with humour ... I'm loving regretsy at the moment, and would love this mug ... *evil cackle*
If you're having willing mates round and there's going to be alcohol involved, or even if there's not - you could always try this drinking game on facebook.  pixpls if you do :)

toodlepip, and chin chin!


  1. Sounds like a nice weekend, not so good about your finger though :(

    Looking forward to your pictures of the royal wedding! x x x

  2. The finger will heal, though there are moments when I feel this may not be th ecase, but the painkillers are doing their job, as long as I remember not to type with it ;)

    I think I shall have to point my camera at the tv a couple of times on Friday if I have my wits about me :) One of us all phtotoshopped on to the balcony should be a goer! ;)
